
As a philanthropic partner to the District, the Indian Hill Foundation is dedicated to supporting 
K-12 educational innovation alongside alumni, parents, teachers, and students. Under the leadership of the Board of Directors, the Indian Hill Foundation, aligns donor passion to fund innovative grants, scholarships and seed money for pilot projects. Additionally, more than 100 volunteers engage year-round, enhancing student experiences and creating innovative opportunities.
In collaboration with school counselors and the district, Braves Helping Braves provides confidential support to Braves families, offering resources and financial assistance for both urgent needs and everyday essentials. 

Grants funded the 2nd annual “Big Pitch” competition which awarded grants to two winning student-driven ideas to improve life at IHHS. The pilot program, initially funded by the Foundation and supported by volunteer leadership and faculty, continues to have a lasting impact on the students.

Alumni activities were kicked off in the fall with Reunions, included various gatherings throughout the year, and culminated with the annual Distinguished Alumni Awards in Spring.

The Braves Opportunity Scholarship provided an extraordinary senior the opportunity to pursue college without the burden of loans and made possible by anonymous donors. This is the third year the scholarship has been awarded and is made possible by anonymous donors.

In partnership with the District Wellness Committee and chaired volunteer leadership, Conquer the Hill 5K brought students, families, and neighbors together raising funds for Braves Helping Braves.

The Be Brave Be Kind Scholarship and The 13 - Year Scholarship is possible with private funds restricted to the Foundation and teacher nominated to a deserving senior. 

The Experienceships program at the high school continued to grow, further expanding career exploration opportunities and partnerships across the District.

Note: Annual revenue and expense details will be included in the Foundations Impact report, which is scheduled for release in early October.

Impact Reports

Annual Impact Reports provide a snapshot of the what the Indian Hill Foundation has provided in terms of funding, programming, human resources, and other support.