As we first communicated with you in our 2018 Financial Prospectus, we are diverting funds from the operating budget to pay for needed building improvements and emergency repairs. Due to this demand on our budget, the District launched a Facilities Assessment Task Force comprised of community members, parents, and staff members in 2018. Please see the latest 2019 Financial Prospectus, and below you will find the latest information on the facilities assessment process.
January 2020 Update: Finance Committee presents unanimous recommendation to Indian Hill Board of Education
Community-based Finance Committee tasked with applying financial lens to District facilities and operational needs
The team of 10 dedicated Indian Hill School District residents who comprised the community-based Finance Committee made a unanimous recommendation to the Board of Education during the January 14 meeting. The recommendation comes after the committee invested eight months learning detailed information on school finance, and working directly with Treasurer Mick Davis to understand the financial position of the Indian Hill School District.
Click here to read complete details and to access the presentation to the Board of Education.
Photo caption: Members of the Indian Hill School District community-based Finance Committee presented findings to the Board of Education during the January 14 Board meeting.
October 2019 Update: Complete analysis, options regarding District facility needs presented to Board of Education
Facilities assessment process that began September 2018 remains on schedule; Finance Committee to consider recommendations and apply financial lens to District needs
After a year of extensive review, research, and analyses, the Indian Hill School District’s community-based Facilities Steering Committee presented the Board of Education with four options to address needs for school facilities within the Indian Hill School District. The Facilities Steering Committee, a subcommittee of the overarching Facilities Assessment Task Force that began in September of 2018, convened regularly through the end of September 2019 to develop the detailed analysis of capital needs at all District school buildings and facilities.
Click here to read complete details and to access the summary report submitted to the Board of Education.
Photo caption: Members of the Indian Hill School District Facilities Steering Committee presented findings to the Board of Education during the October 15 Board meeting.
District’s community-based facility process to detail needsWork and planning to fully assess the school facilities within the Indian Hill School District continue and remain on schedule. As a next step, the District’s Steering Committee, a subcommittee of the overarching
Facilities Assessment Task Force, launched the next phase of the work which includes an analysis of capital needs at all District school buildings and facilities.

Create and present two to four District capital improvement scenarios for the consideration of the Board of Education that provide learning excellence for students and staff.
We envision learning environments to enhance opportunities for each student to achieve his/her potential in academics, arts, and athletics. Proposed District capital improvement scenarios will:
1. allow students and staff to thrive in safe, supportive, and collaborative learning environments;
2. incorporate best practices in K-12 learning environments while providing flexibility to adapt to future needs; and
3. optimize financial resources provided by our taxpayers to benefit students, staff, and community members.
• Safety & Security
• Learning Environments (current & future)
• Accessibility
• Infrastructure & Energy
District Finance Committee to play key role in facilities process
Additionally, CFO/Treasurer Mick Davis has convened a Finance Committee to review school funding processes and capital/operating funding options. The Steering and Finance Committees will join forces to draft potential scenarios for the Board of Education to consider.