About Us

Who Are We

The Indian Hill Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Established in 2001, the Foundation is governed by a nineteen-member Board of Directors including the Indian Hill Schools’ Superintendent, a member of the Indian Hill School Board, members of other District organizations and IHHS alumni. As of 2012, the Foundation is also Indian Hill High School's official alumni organization. The Indian Hill Foundation is an official support group of the Indian Hill Exempted Village School District (IHEVSD). We operate independently from the IHEVSD and do not receive funding from the District.

The Indian Hill Foundation collaborates closely with our schools to enhance district-wide curriculum development. Through strategic investments, the Foundation funds grants that bring innovative concepts to life in classrooms. We also serve as a vital link, aligning donor interests with district funding opportunities to maximize support for our teachers and students. The Indian Hill Foundation actively engages the community to foster collaboration and strengthen our educational initiatives.

Gateway for Giving