Records Commission

Records Commission

The Records Commission meets once per year to review and approve the Records Retention Schedule.

The next Records Commission meeting will be scheduled for June 2025 (date to be announced).

There is hereby created in each city, local, joint vocational, and exempted village school district a school district records commission, and in each educational service center an educational service center records commission. Each records commission shall be composed of the president, the treasurer of the board of education or governing board of the educational service center, and the superintendent of schools in each such district or educational service center. The commission shall meet at least once every twelve months.

The function of the commission shall be to review applications for one-time disposal of obsolete records and schedules of records retention and disposition submitted by any employee of the school district or educational service center. The commission may dispose of records pursuant to the procedure outlined in section 149.381 of the Revised Code. The commission, at any time, may review any schedule it has previously approved and, for good cause shown, may revise that schedule under the procedure outlined in that section.