Language Arts


The Indian Hill English Language Arts Department is committed to providing an evidence-based language and literacy program for all learners because literacy impacts students’ access to curriculum across all grade levels and all subject areas.  Knowledge of literacy is an essential element in the development of the whole person. The English Language Arts framework promotes skills in reading, writing, and oral language.  These skills enable our students to optimize their learning and successes in both school-settings and in their post-secondary careers. 

An English Language Arts program is more than a collection of books to be read and discussed. Rather, it is an articulation of experiences designed so that the student will learn to value text, as a reader, author, and critic. Thus, an appropriate English Language Arts curriculum is a continuum of skills that progresses from emergent literacy to early literacy, through conventional literacy and culminates with adolescent literacy. Through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language, learners demonstrate knowledge, passions, and growth. A technological component is interwoven throughout the curriculum to ensure that all students are prepared to live and work in an evolving society impacted by the Fourth Industrial Revolution of artificial intelligence and automation.

Indian Hill Exempted Village Schools welcomes the science of reading as part of early literacy instruction. To learn more about our District's strong literacy foundation, see a summary here

Our Beliefs

  • Students, as emergent-readers, will demonstrate the application of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension because these skills are highly correlated to later literacy success;
  • Students will be exposed to a variety of genres of text and other literary mediums as well as have voice and choice within literacy instruction to promote independence and be self-directed; 
  • Students will use and apply strategic academic vocabulary terms to communicate ideas within literacy;
  • Students will write purposefully to persuade, explain, and convey real or imagined experiences.
  • Students will participate in a literacy curriculum within English Language Arts classes and other content areas with a focus on the 21st century classroom and future workplace settings that represent a wide range of expected competencies as well as diverse cultural perspectives. 

Personal Growth

  • Students will appreciate the application of literacy to other disciplines and recognize its value and power to share and gather information.
  • Students will have the opportunity to produce and present evidence of their learning to authentic audiences.

Social Responsibility

  • Students will recognize and demonstrate the power of literacy and language within their personal lives and academic careers by examining mentor texts and various forms of media as well as producing purposeful and responsible communication.


  • Indian Hill Schools integrates the Ohio State Standards into the English Language Arts curriculum.