The student will read and comprehend complex literature, including stories, drama, and poetry proficiently and independently. The student will determine the theme in various forms of literature and compare and contrast themes across multiple pieces of literature. The student will determine the meaning of words and phrases as they use used in a text and explain describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of the story.
Informational Text
The student will read and comprehend complex informational texts proficiently and independently. The student will determine the main idea of a text and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. The student will determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a topic and use information gained from various media to demonstrate understanding of the text.
Foundational Skills
The student will apply word analysis skills to decode new words and read on-level text with purpose and understanding while rereading as necessary to improve understanding. The student will read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
The student will write narrative, opinion/argument, and explanatory texts. The student will introduce a topic clearly, present detailed facts or ideas, and provide a closure to their written pieces. The student will conduct short research projects that use multiple resources. With the guidance of peers and adults, the student will develop and strengthen their writing using the writing process.
Speaking & Listening
The student will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on diverse topics. The student will present information or opinions speaking clearly at an understandable pace. The student will use various media to enhance their presentations.
The student will demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking. The student will spell grade appropriate words correctly. The student will acquire and use a variety of general and domain-specific vocabulary words and phrases.
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
The student will accurately solve problems using the four math operations as well as how to write and interpret grade level appropriate numerical expressions.
Number & Operations in Base Ten
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the base ten place value system.
Number & Operations-Fractions
The student will demonstrate a grade level appropriate understanding or fractions and be able to apply their understanding to the four math operations using fractions.
Measurement & Data
The student will demonstrate an understanding of how to interpret data as well as various ways to present data. The student will demonstrate a grade level appropriate understanding of geometric measurements such as perimeter (gr 3), area (gr 3), angles (gr 4), and volume (gr 5). The student will convert units within a given measurement system.
The student will draw, identify, and classify shapes by multiple properties. The student will demonstrate a grade level appropriate understanding of graphing points on a coordinate plane.
Earth and Space Sciences
Students learn about the Earth’s living and nonliving resources with an emphasis on energy resources and the surface of the Earth. Students also learn about our solar system.
Life Sciences
Students learn the life cycles of organisms and their relationship with their environment. Students learn about fossils and the habitats of living organisms. Students study the structures and functions of ecosystems.
Physical Sciences
Students study the relationship between matter and energy. Students learn about light, sound and explore various forms of energy.
Social Studies
Students learn to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the history of Ohio, the United States and the world.
Students learn geographic locations, patterns and processes to show the interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an interdependent world.
Students learn the purposes, structures and processes of political systems at various levels to understand that people create systems of government as structures of power and authority to provide order, stability and promote the general welfare.
Students learn economic reasoning skills and knowledge of major economic concepts, issues and systems in order to make informed choices as citizens in a complex world.