In this section, you will find various information you may need during the school year. Please navigate the topics through the menu to the right.
Assignments page provides information on various resources for file access and homework assignments.
BYO Technology page provides an overview of the BYO program, FAQs, installing Microsoft Office, other software suggestions, and hardware considerations.
Community Service page explains IHHS students' service requirements and explains how to log their volunteer hours.
My School Bucks (online payments) is the system available to parents to see the fees they owe and to pay for fees and other miscellaneous items (like activity fees) online. Parents create their own accounts the first time they login.
Instructions contain various documents with step-by-step directions and illustrations for using our various systems, like creating ProgressBook Parent Access accounts, Using EZPay or accessing the conference scheduling system.
Medical Forms is where you will find the forms you need for your child to be administered either prescription or over-the-counter medication at school, as well as forms if your child needs an inhaler.
Resource Links provides hotlines to a variety of helpful links for parents and students.
School Program Videos page is where you can see a list of the programs filmed by Indian Hill Television Network that are available for purchase.
Student & Activities Handbooks page provides the most up-to-date version of the Indian Hill Primary School annual student handbook, plus the listing of all activities and clubs, and their advisors, available at the High School.