Communication Disorders

Communication Disorders

Dear Parents:

As the speech-language pathologist serving in your child’s school, I want to share some information with you regarding communication disorders.  I would also like to tell you what we can do–together- if your child needs help with his/her speech and language development.

The ability to communicate is perhaps the most important skill your child will acquire.  Communication skills permit youngsters to make sense of their world, to express themselves, and to learn.  Because these skills are central to success in school, early identification of a problem is crucial.  Once a child with a communication disorder is identified, the appropriate treatment and the involvement of parents often make the difference between failure or frustration in school and a successful school experience.

Speech disorders include problems with making sounds correctly, voice quality, and stuttering.

Language disorders include difficulty in understanding or using language.  For example, language disorders may include problems with understanding/identifying certain classes of words, understanding/giving directions, answering/asking questions, or understanding/using correct grammar.  Language disorders also can be the inability to use proper social language or convey an idea to others.

By the age of 5, a child should be able to carryon a conversation, hear and understand most speech at home and school, answer simple questions about a story, say most sounds correctly, and speak in a way that sounds like other children.  If you have any concerns about your child’s communication skills, please contact me at school.  Children who have an adverse educational impact from their speech and language disorder can receive services through the school district.  Please don’t hesitate to call me at 272-4769 with any questions.


Sarah Cone