Indian Hill High School Model United Nations Team: ‘Taking On the World’

IHHS Model UN Team

The Indian Hill School District celebrates the Indian Hill High School Model United Nations (UN) team after students traveled to Wright State to participate in the Model UN Competition on Saturday, April 15. Indian Hill High School student Jenna O’Driscoll was awarded one of only two Honorable Mention Awards presented to delegates in her committee.

“We are incredibly proud of Jenna and all of our students who have committed to learning and growing their global awareness,” said Indian Hill High School Principal Jeff Damadeo.

“During the Model UN Competition, students were assigned a country to represent in a committee that functions just like the actual United Nations and participated in a debate concerning international geopolitical topics,” said Aly Kayne, parent mentor to the team.
Prior to the Wright State competition, the team traveled to Miami University to compete, and the goal is to continue to expand.
“The team is growing and getting better with each new competition,” said Kayne. “We look forward to attending more exciting international debates next year.”

Indian Hill High School Model UN team members include: Milana Barrett, Gea Eshleman, Justin Gao, Yvonne Gao, Liz George, Ricardo Gomez-Nieves, Jolyne Gunadi, Anna Johnson, Samantha Kayne, Alyssa Kerr, Lily Mitchell, Jenna O’Driscoll, and Sarah Yue.

Follow the team’s progress on Instagram: @ihmodelun.
Photo caption: Indian Hill High School Model United Nations (UN) team after students traveled to Wright State to participate in the Model UN Competition.