I love superheroes.
I have been fortunate to spend my nearly 25-year career in education working with and for my favorite type of superheroes; I call them eduheroes. If you follow me on Twitter (
@ihsuperbrave), then you have likely noticed this reference I commonly make. Why do I coin this phrase for both educators and students? Because it is authentic to how I feel about the company I keep. These people are the fearless leaders who will build our future!
Even before my arrival to the Indian Hill School District this school year, word spread about my love of superheroes. As a welcome gift, the staff at Indian Hill Elementary School presented me with my very own Brave superhero cape and mask. I’ve decided it is time to put this incredible costume to use – and no – you will not see ME wearing it to the next football game! WE are going to celebrate our young Braves at Indian Hill Primary School and Indian Hill Elementary School by allowing those students to dress as Brave eduheroes during the next few weeks. These will be students who have shown their Brave eduhero power through their actions. Be on the watch for the first Brave eduhero reveal by following us on Twitter (
In service to our children,
Kirk Koennecke
Indian Hill School District
Posted October 22, 2019
Photo caption: Indian Hill Superintendent Kirk Koennecke is about to embark on a tour to unmask eduheroes at Indian Hill Primary School and Indian Hill Elementary School!