NINE consecutive years … and counting!
Once again, the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) has designated the Indian Hill School District as one of the best in the nation for music education. The NAMM Foundation awarded Indian Hill a Best Communities for Music Education for 2024, making the public announcement April 3. This is the ninth consecutive year Braves have brought home this honor, and Indian Hill was one of 975 districts in the country to earn this recognition this year.
“We continue to strive to offer unparalleled arts for our students, and this is one point of celebration that we are achieving our goals,” said Indian Hill CEO/Superintendent Kirk Koennecke. “I want to offer a sincere message of gratitude to our dedicated, award-winning faculty for maintaining a nationally recognized educational experience for our students; and with the development of our Indian Hill Arts Conservatory program, we will only continue to grow.
“We want to thank our community for always supporting our arts. From our instrumental performances to our musicals, our auditoriums are always at capacity when our students take the stage. And of course we want to give a standing ovation to our student-musicians in band, orchestra, and choir who are at the center of our commitment to our nationally recognized program.”
The Indian Hill School District’s unparalleled music education program begins with the District’s youngest scholars at Indian Hill Primary School and Indian Hill Elementary School. More than 400 students perform with orchestra, band, and choirs at Indian Hill Middle School and Indian Hill High School.