Exciting Developments from the IH Entrepreneurs’ Center: Leading the Way for Future-Ready Students

Jeff Damadeo

By Jeff Damadeo, Indian Hill School District Director of K-12 Leadership and Career Development

What an incredible beginning to the 2024-2025 school year and a new way to develop future leaders!

Over the past six months, the Department of K-12 Leadership & Career Development has started to craft the story with our students, our administration, our faculty, our alumni, and our professional partners of how we can enhance the Brave experience through our new Entrepreneurs’ Center. The first chapter of this first semester is definitely a pager-turner! 

Already this fall 53 NEW students joined our IH Experienceships cohort, with 74 students completing the foundational learning modules, which focus on developing professional skills, resume writing and interview preparation, and are accessing unique experiential opportunities. 

We continue to build new partnerships and strengthen past relationships. In collaboration with the Indian Hill Foundation we have expanded and deepened our alumni network. Our October "IH Business @ Breakfast" event brought together 26 partners and nearly 90 students, fostering invaluable conversations about career exploration, passion, and purpose. Looking ahead, our next event, focusing on Global Connection & Networking, is being planned in collaboration with our Indian Hill Global Parent Network and will take place on January 28, 2025, during IH Global Week.

The Indian Hill School District welcomed former professional athlete Chris Singleton to campus, to lead the third event in a new Leadership Summit on The Hill series on Thursday, October 3. In addition to presenting his children’s book to Indian Hill Primary School and Indian Hill Elementary Schools students, the inspirational thought leader presented lessons on leadership to Indian Hill Middle School and Indian Hill High School students, joined by community members in the Sue Harder Memorial Performing Arts Center. The free event was hosted in partnership with Humanex and the Indian Hill PTO.

Additionally, we have hosted three Career Connector events, featuring impactful speakers, including local CEO Nancy Aichholz, Jude Johnson, Jude Johnson, manager, Career Pathways, City of Cincinnati, and Becca Slattery, AI/Machine Learning and Data Science talent acquisition senior manager, LinkedIn. 

Through strategic partnerships with Franklin Covey, the Blanchard Institute, and the Leadership Excellence credential, both students and staff continue to engage in personalized professional learning, focused on leadership development. 

Lastly, we have recently hosted our first Parent Engagement Night to discuss Career Pathways, Industry-Recognized Credentials, and the Future World of Work. Click here to access the presentation. 

We couldn’t do any of this transformative work without the consistent support of our Indian Hill Board of Education. It was my privilege to share our Entrepreneurs’ Center three-year strategic plan with members during the November Board of Education meeting. You can view the EC Executive Summary or click here to access the full presentation. And stay tuned for our monthly newsletter launching this month, to showcase the extraordinary work surrounding K-12 leadership happening in our district. 

Together, we are preparing our students to be future-ready and thrive in a dynamic world! 

Together, we are authoring the next great story in K-12 education!