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#BRAVEminds – Parenting and COVID-19
Erica Leppert
Braves: As we try to manage our new “normal” we will begin each week with some tips to ensure we are taking care of our #BRAVEminds. This series, authored by Director of Pupil Services Erica Leppert, is intended to provide you important information about brain health. If there are any topics you would like to see Mrs. Leppert explore, click here to email her your ideas.

Parenting and COVID-19

As we begin the second week of distance learning, our lives look much different than they did a few short weeks ago.  Busy family schedules have been replaced with managing work, school, and everyday life all within the walls of our homes. Some of us have had to cancel vacations, weddings, other major life events, and maybe there are more cancellations to come. The words we’ve heard over and over in the past few weeks, “unprecedented,” “uncertain,” “uncharted,” do little to offer any comfort. We’ve probably all experienced a heightened level of stress since school has been closed.  

Know this: You are not alone!  

It is understandable that our children are also beginning to feel stress related to the changes to their daily routines. Your child may be missing time with their friends and teachers, attending sports practices or other extracurricular activities, and seeing grandparents or other family members. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has some tips for parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Limit your family’s exposure to news coverage of coronavirus, including social media. Talk to your children about their feelings and let them know it’s okay to feel scared or upset by what they are hearing. Share your own coping strategies with them so they can learn from you.

2. Talk to your child about how COVID-19 has impacted your family’s life. Be honest and share facts that are appropriate for their age and developmental level.

3. Try to maintain regular routines. Create a daily schedule for your family to follow.

4. Talk to your child about things they can control in order to stay healthy, like washing their hands, practicing social distancing, exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating well.

5. Engage in your own self-care to model healthy practices for your child. You might exercise, practice yoga, meditate, read a book, or engage in some other hobby.

The World Health Organization also released a guide for parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic. That guide is available here.

Indian Hill remains committed to continuing to provide support for all of our #BRAVEminds even though our buildings are physically closed. Your child’s school counselor is available via phone, email, or videoconferencing to provide support. The counseling team has also created a resource guide curated especially for our Braves and their families to use during the closure.
I also invite you to explore our Virtual Brave Room. Our Indian Hill Elementary School (IHES) Braves will be familiar with the Brave Room located in their building. IHES Counselor Sarah Kellett and Assistant Principal Dr. Erin Owens have created a virtual space that has many of the same calming strategies you would find in our physical Brave Room.

Many will feel a sense of loss, hopelessness, or isolation during this time. Seek help for yourself or your loved ones if needed.

Crisis Text line-A free, 24/7 text line for people in crisis at any time.

• You text 741741 when in crisis. Available 24/7 in the USA.
• A live, trained crisis counselor receives the text and responds quickly.

Local Crisis Line:

• Call 513-281-CARE (2273) or
• Text TALBERT to 839863 for help.

Emergency phone lines are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offering crisis intervention, information, and referral services.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center 24HR Psychiatric Hotline 

• Phone: 513-636-4124
[email protected] 
Psychiatric Intake Response Center Information

Remember: Kids First, Content Second.

Erica Leppert
Director of Pupil Services